Varnish in Semi-dedicated Servers
Varnish is a feature, which comes by default with all semi-dedicated plans that we are offering and you can use it for workload balancing purposes. It is available in your Hepsia Control Panel. The Varnish caching platform comes with 64 megabytes of system memory for cached data storing purposes and you can employ it with any Internet site that you host in the semi-dedicated account. In case you are in need of more than that, you can increase the memory allocation. The memory itself is available in increments of 32 megabytes in the Upgrades section of the Control Panel. The exact same section will enable you to create more instances too, in case you’d like to use the Varnish caching platform with multiple websites. The two upgrades can be ordered independently – you can cache the content of one resource-heavy website or run several websites with the default memory allowance. You can take full advantage of Varnish in case you’ve got a dedicated IP and you can order one with your semi-dedicated plan as well. Hepsia will give you complete control over the caching platform and, with no more than one single mouse click, you will be able to delete the cached data, to check a system log file or to restart an instance.
Varnish in Dedicated Servers
If you order a dedicated server with the Hepsia Control Panel, you’ll obtain the Varnish content caching platform at no extra cost and you’ll exert total control over it through a rather user-friendly graphical interface – you’ll be able to start, to disable or to restart an instance, to browse an elaborate system log, to delete the cache for any site and much more. The Varnish caching platform will have several gigabytes of memory at its disposal, so even if you’ve got busy Internet sites with a lot of visitors, you’ll notice the considerably faster website loading times and the less load on the machine. This will happen shortly after you start using Varnish, as it will require some time to cache the content that visitors open. You can make the most of the platform’s capability in case the Internet sites that are using it use also a dedicated IP, but since your server comes with several IPs by default, you will not need to pay anything on top of your monthly charge for the machine itself.